Monday, April 24, 2017

Are You Putting Your Big Rocks First?

Dr. Stephen Covey was an author, educator, and businessman. His most popular book was the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In his book First Things First, Dr. Covey spoke about the importance of scheduling time for your biggest priorities first. This video clip explains how to better fit the "big rocks" into our lives.
Often times we get so caught up in all the small demands of our personal and professional lives, that we often forget to focus on some of the major things that really matter. We push those things aside and spend more time on the little stones and gravel that demand our attention and appear to be urgent.

Personal "Big Rocks"

Family: Less than three months until Baby Horton is here! My husband and I are busy preparing the nursery (and ourselves!). Jace has been taking swimming lessons... just ask him! He'll say he swims "like a fishy!" Right now, we're just doing all that we can to spend as much time possible together.

Important Projects: We purchased our first house in August and there is so much to take care of! Important projects to us include tearing down the hideous wallpaper in our bathroom and repainting, and getting our lawn under control. I'm sure I can come up with more projects, but these are the two we're busy working on right now.

Professional "Big Rocks"
 Professional Development/Intellectual Growth: Currently I'm working on my Google Educator Level 2 Certification. I actually passed the Level 1 exam this weekend! Ultimately my goal is to become a Google Trainer (possibly Innovator!)
Staying Up to Date on What's New: I'm constantly reading and researching new ideas and strategies to bring into my classroom and share with my colleagues. Through the Google Certification training, I'm learning about an incredible amount of resources I never knew existed! (I sense another blog post coming soon....)

Obviously these aren't my only big rocks in life. I think focusing on these four will allow me to see the bigger picture and provide me with the necessary time I need to really focus on them. 

What are the "big rocks" in your life? Are you making time enough time for them?
I'd love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to blog about it, tweet about it, or leave a comment! Just be sure to let me know if you do so I can check it out!
         @mrs._horton_                     @theashleyhorton


  1. I so needed to read this. Great post! I am going to work on putting my rocks in order.

    1. So happy I was able to inspire you! The video was definitely an eye opener for me too! :)
