Saturday, June 17, 2017

Building Positive Relationships - Explore Inquiry Pt. 1

At this point, you have probably read hundreds of blogs, articles, and books on building positive relationships with your students. I cannot stress enough the importance of this topic. Positive relationships with your students set the tone of your classroom for the entire school year.

Angela Watson from The Cornerstone for Teachers recommends using the 2 x 10 strategy. It's simple. Spend two minutes a day, for 10 days straight, just talking to a student. Talk about anything they want to talk about. From there, watch the tone of your classroom change. If consistent, this strategy has proven to work for many teachers who teach with different socioeconomic backgrounds, ages, grade levels, and subjects. 

Image result for positive classroomWith the 2 x 10 strategy, not only are you creating a positive tone for your classroom, but you're also engaging with the opportunity to personalize learning for your students. By spending the time talking with your students, about whatever they want to talk about, you're learning more about their interests, goals, and aspirations. In my opinion, a strong coach/leader would utilize this information to provide personalized learning experiences for their students. 

What strategies have you used or are  using to engage your learners 
and set a positive classroom environment? 

Blog about it, tweet it out, just be sure you share it with me!